Thursday, January 28, 2010

Random Grrrs

Well another State of the Union has come and gone...whoopdy crap. SOTU speeches are about as useful as lips on a chicken - especially when they're coming from the Kenyan Katastrophe. Even a news junkie like me prefers to watch the next day's post-mortem on a SOTU speech than watch it. I know that if I was president I would be annoyed with the break after every phrase for my party to give a round of applause while the other party looks on with contempt. Just let me talk for a few minutes so that everyone can get back to whatever incarnation of CSI they watch.

Perhaps the low point of the SOTU last night though is the childish scolding of the Supreme Court delivered by the biggest child in the Beltway. He dared to call the Court's ruling a victory for special interests but lets consider the facts. Corporate donations are roughly split between Democrats and Republicans. In the last few years it slightly favored Democrats. At that level corporations can ill afford to alienate one party thanks to state interference in the marketplace anyway. Looking at what has been allowed we find that Unions (which apparently AREN'T a special interest) split their contributions 92% for Democrats and 8% for the GOP. Liberal special interests also made better use of the 527 corporations allowed under that monument of incoherence and incompetence - McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform - than their conservative counterparts. Justice Sam Alito could be seen mouthing the words 'that's a lie' as the Big-HO chided the third branch of government last night. Perhaps we needed Rep. Joe Wilson to give a shout out at that moment! Not since FDR has a president chided the High Court in such a manner. Fortunately, Obama has a lot less clout than New York's worst political contribution to the world and the Court is not likely to bend to his will in the near future. The Court has essentially gutted McCain-Feingold which is great. That was nothing more than a protection act for incumbents and from the moment it was passed was considered an unconstitutional intrusion on free speech.

Did you see the picture of Obama in the elementary school class room with a presidential podium and two teleprompters? How can anyone take this man seriously? One has to wonder if this man has the ability to speak to anyone without a teleprompter. And what other president has set up a podium in a classroom for a photo-op with kids? For all the abuse heaped out on George Bush, when he and Laura walked into a school classroom, they were engaged with the children bending or kneeling down to interact with the kids at their level. You can almost imagine Obama reacting with Monty Burns-like terror and confusion when a child races up and clings to his leg.

I am currently researching something that - to me - seems huge and vastly ignored by both the MSM and politicians alike and am having an internal debate about how or whether I should post my thoughts on it. Hopefully I'll make that decision before Monday - otherwise hope for a busy news cycle this weekend...