Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Silencing the Lambs

Well my blood pressure shot up about 50 points this morning when I heard on the radio that some complete moron in Western Michigan was filing suit to stop the annual placement of the Nativity Scene on public property to commemorate Christmas. He gave the standard stupidity line that it was an infringement of his First Amendment Rights. Ho boy...

Let us review the text of the First Amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Now in this case, the pea-brain du jour is arguing that the placement of the Nativity on public property is a violation of the 'establishment of religion' clause. However this clod, like so many of his anti-religious brethren fail to understand or don't care about the actual text of the First Amendment. "Congress shall make no law..." Did Congress make a law ordering the city to place a nativity on public property? Nope. And if they did, I would be standing next to zippy the slob filing suit.

Other simpletons that file suit like to speak about the 'wall of separation' which is not in the Constitution and was twisted by judicial activists and atheists to force simple acknowledgement of religious convictions out of the public sphere as if acknowledging what 90% of the American people believe was tantamount to establishing an official religion. They misinterpret or actively twist the words of President Thomas Jefferson. Ironically, the 'wall of separation' appears in a letter to a breakaway religious group the Danbury Baptists in Connecticut. The Danbury Baptists were concerned that the state of Connecticut was going to interfere in their worship practices. Jefferson's letter, though rather vague about any help from the federal government, assured the Baptists that the First Amendment established a wall the prevented the government from interfering in their practices. It did not suggest that religious observation had no place in the public sphere. Hence the important and oft ignored clause: ...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Since Congress cannot prohibit the free exercise of religion, you know, coercive things like Christmas music in public buildings or school concerts, a moment of silence (which is religion neutral and does not imply prayer), Nativity scenes and so on, the leftist anti-religion Progressives have resorted to pushing out religion by judicial fiat. Idiots like this Michgander continue to use activist judges to subvert President Jefferson's words and destroy the intent of the Founders clearly written in the First Amendment.

People like this guy should be shot but since it is illegal, we need to work hard to tear activist judges out of their robes and replace them with men and women dedicated to Original Intent and the letter and spirit of the Constitution.

As a final tweak to the leftist anti-religious zealots out there. If placing a Nativity scene on public property breaks the "establishment clause", how come the same men who wrote the Constitution voted in favor of federal funds to build churches?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Opting out of Government...Anything

Random Thought: William Jefferson Clinton, George Walker Bush, Barrack Hussein Obama (mmm....mmmm...mmm) all have more in common than they do differences. Other than the obnoxious use of all three names, they are all ivy league educated elitists. They are all, to varying degrees, Progressives. All three of them have and are eroding American sovereignty. All of them are also Baby Boomers. Perhaps it is just coincidence or maybe coming from that failure of a generation is the problem. Granted there are plenty of decent Boomers, my parents included, but as a generation they stink. Maybe the 2010 and 2012 mantras should be 'No More Boomers!'

Okay, I am tired of the healthcare debate especially since it has been entirely corrupted and dominated by the left but I have to weigh in one more time.

I've argued a conservative line against government run healthcare and gotten scorned for it. When I argue that I want tort reform, I get leftist lawyers claiming that malpractice is a small part of their practice and it won't affect costs. Then how come doctors that have never been sued have to pay upwards of $30,000 per year in malpractice insurance? Doesn't anyone think that might impact the cost of healthcare? Tort reform is an important piece of healthcare reform but not the sole answer.

Unlike most conservatives I don't pay much attention to the argument about opening up insurance to cross state lines. I don't think it will impact the price much simply because every state has such different laws. In the long term it may help control costs but short term it wouldn't likely have any effect.

There are hundreds of other arguments from opening competition in healthcare suppliers and getting rid of price controls on what a procedure costs. Perhaps one of the best would be to force medical schools to produce more doctors and PAs at lower costs to increase competition inside the industry. But this isn't about ways to fix the problem that was created by liberals in the first place. This is about the Number One reason to be against Government Healthcare and government a lot of other things.

No one I have argued with has even attempted to refute the following argument. Government Healthcare is not a legitimate function of the Federal government under the Constitution. The Founding Fathers established a minimalist de-centralized Federal government in order to ensure maximum personal liberty. This nation was established to be as close to anarchy without the evils of anarchy as humanly possible. Most of us still want that but the small cadre of people who want to trade personal liberty for cradle to grave security and the people who want power over others for nefarious purposes are currently in control. They are bent on overturning the Constitution and ridding themselves of freedom loving individuals and the current healthcare 'crisis' is part of that. American personal freedom scares those of the Authoritarian/Totalitarian bent (especially people steeped in Eastern Civilization which negates the idea of the sovereign individual altogether).

When arguing with these people don't be afraid to shout them down. Wave the Constitution in their faces. Choke them with it if you have to. The healthcare debate isn't about healthcare, it is about whether or not we will be free. I might be labeled a hypocrite for this but a free people cannot survive by allowing those who are against freedom to exist among them. They will taint us, they will lure us to our doom with promises of 'free' housing, healthcare, food, entertainment, love, etc. They will promise us anything to get us into shackles. And at this moment they are in control of our federal government, our media, our pop culture, and many of our state and local governments. Raise the standard of freedom and take a stand before it is too late.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Getting to Know You...

It is important to know the Czars and the Cabinet since the B-HO has claimed that to know what he believes we have to look at the people he surrounds himself with. I've already gone into some detail about Economics Czar Paul Adolph Volcker. I'm going to do a brief overview of some of the Cabinet members and the other Czars.

Treasury Secretary Timmy "I can't figure out Turbo Tax" Geithner. He was 9th president of the New York Fed. He worked for the IMF from 2001-2003. He is a Senior Fellow with the sinister organization the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in International Economics and once more, he was part of Volcker's Group of Thirty. Timmy arranged the federal bailout of Bear Sterns and AIG. He also played a role in the decision not to bail out Lehman Brothers (Lehman Brothers was seen as the main competitor of Goldman Sachs for whom previous Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson worked. Hmmm...I wonder why they didn't get bailed out...). Also on Timmy's resume are the Center for Global Development (Progressive), the Economic Club of New York (claims political neutrality but leans left), the Bank of International Settlements, and the Bilderbergers. In addition, his wife was a research associate at Common Cause, a 'Progressive'/Leftist organization.

The Tarp Czar, Herb Allison was a CEO of Fannie Mae (ho boy). He also was Finance Chairman for McCain's 2000 election campaign (McCain is another Progressive which is what makes him a 'maverick' Republican). He was chairman of TIAA/CREF and CEO of Lifelong Learning (a Yale, Oxford, Stanford Progressive educational co-op).

Science Czar John Holdren has been well documented by Glenn Beck and others. I'd like to add that he is a committed Eugenicist (the same people who brought you the Holocaust). He is a member of the Limits to Growth Club a leftist environmental organization.

Carol Browner the Energy Czar was head of the EPA under Clinton. She was part of the leftist Citizen Action, a Nader created leftist environmental lobby firm, a member of Socialist International (WTF????), on the board of Algore's Alliance for Climate Protection, part of the Center for American Progress (oh yes, they are 'Progressive'), part of APX Inc. (a carbon credit trading board (and people think Cheney had a conflict of interest with Halliburton)).

Climate Czar Todd Stern is a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, Kyoto Protocol negotiator, and belongs to the CFR.

Ashton Carter the Weapons Czar consults with Goldman Sachs and a CFR member.

Cass Sunstein is a radical animal rights activist. He is a proponent of the "2nd Bill of Rights" which guarantees housing, healthcare, a house, food, and other needs even if you refuse to work. He is the quintessential Progressive believing that people should be forced to make 'correct' choices.

Christina Romer another Economics Czar is a committed Keynesian and an Economics Professor at UC Berkeley (heaven help us).

Many of the Czars and Cabinet members have ties to Harvard and Yale. Both universities have become less educational institutions than indoctrination centers for Progressives, Marxists, and Leftists of all shades. Both Obama and Bush came out of these two systems.

All of these people are committed in their own particular areas of 'expertise' to the Progressive agenda. They are transnationalists. They are anti-American values, anti-dollar, anti-individual. Learn what you can about them and tell everyone you know that these unelected, often unapproved, and always unAmerican people need to be exposed and forced out of government circles.