Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Silencing the Lambs

Well my blood pressure shot up about 50 points this morning when I heard on the radio that some complete moron in Western Michigan was filing suit to stop the annual placement of the Nativity Scene on public property to commemorate Christmas. He gave the standard stupidity line that it was an infringement of his First Amendment Rights. Ho boy...

Let us review the text of the First Amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Now in this case, the pea-brain du jour is arguing that the placement of the Nativity on public property is a violation of the 'establishment of religion' clause. However this clod, like so many of his anti-religious brethren fail to understand or don't care about the actual text of the First Amendment. "Congress shall make no law..." Did Congress make a law ordering the city to place a nativity on public property? Nope. And if they did, I would be standing next to zippy the slob filing suit.

Other simpletons that file suit like to speak about the 'wall of separation' which is not in the Constitution and was twisted by judicial activists and atheists to force simple acknowledgement of religious convictions out of the public sphere as if acknowledging what 90% of the American people believe was tantamount to establishing an official religion. They misinterpret or actively twist the words of President Thomas Jefferson. Ironically, the 'wall of separation' appears in a letter to a breakaway religious group the Danbury Baptists in Connecticut. The Danbury Baptists were concerned that the state of Connecticut was going to interfere in their worship practices. Jefferson's letter, though rather vague about any help from the federal government, assured the Baptists that the First Amendment established a wall the prevented the government from interfering in their practices. It did not suggest that religious observation had no place in the public sphere. Hence the important and oft ignored clause: ...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Since Congress cannot prohibit the free exercise of religion, you know, coercive things like Christmas music in public buildings or school concerts, a moment of silence (which is religion neutral and does not imply prayer), Nativity scenes and so on, the leftist anti-religion Progressives have resorted to pushing out religion by judicial fiat. Idiots like this Michgander continue to use activist judges to subvert President Jefferson's words and destroy the intent of the Founders clearly written in the First Amendment.

People like this guy should be shot but since it is illegal, we need to work hard to tear activist judges out of their robes and replace them with men and women dedicated to Original Intent and the letter and spirit of the Constitution.

As a final tweak to the leftist anti-religious zealots out there. If placing a Nativity scene on public property breaks the "establishment clause", how come the same men who wrote the Constitution voted in favor of federal funds to build churches?

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