Thursday, December 3, 2009

More Rambling Thoughts

Afghanistan is a failed state. The Indians (that's natives of India not aboriginal North Americans) knew it. The Mongols and Chinese knew it. The Muslim Caliphs knew it. The British found out. The Soviets found out in brutal fashion. Even the Taliban knew it. For some reason we haven't learned it yet. I believe its because the people at the State Department assigned to Afghanistan are "experts" in Latin America or Africa but that's only my opinion.

You can control Afghanistan but not if you fight a "civilized", Western style war. We need to drop poison gas (we have plenty wasting away in depots in Umatilla, OR and Hawthorne, NV) in every cave from Kabul to Lahore (that's in Pakistan for the geographically ignorant) and count the bodies until we get Osama bin Laden and his cronies.

Speaking of failed states, we haven't learned much from the debacle in Somalia that was started by Bush 41 and shorted by another loser left-wing president. I guess on the plus side, Afghanistan is land locked so there won't be many pirates raiding shipping from there.

Continuing with the failed state theme, how about California, huh? Just like their peers in the Beltway, the CA general assembly passed a bill to spend umpteen billion dollars that they don't have. Not to worry though. I'm sure that the Fed's will bail them out. California is the world's 8th largest economy on its own. They seem to be banking on the hope that they will be "too big to fail" and hey, why not. With the precedent set by the bailouts of the banks and GM and Chrysler it looks like their hope will take our change and large bills as well.

Joe Morgan may be the worst sports broadcaster EVER. He is a horrible combination of grandpa Simpson and Narcissus. In other words, he tells disjointed rambling stories that are all about himself and how wonderful he is. Which makes him just like our president...

Those of you who know me know that I have no problem with women in positions of authority. Heck I have worked for women and I have a female doctor; so I'm obviously not threatened by it. That said, I swear that most of the women in Congress are some of the dumbest fishwives ever spawned. Nancy 'Bo-tox' Pelosi can't open her mouth without lowering the IQ of the room she's in. Sadly that's better than her ne'er-do-well witch apprentice Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (ah, the famous hyphenated last name...the flashing red light of b*tchiness) who can't string together a coherent thought to get it out. California gives us a who's who of moron women including Maxine Waters, Zoe Lofgren, Hilda Solis (who is now Labor Secretary), Jane Harman, and their two vomit inducing Senators: Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer (Democrats all). Here in Washington we suffer the Basset Hound of politics: Patty Murray and her apprentice witch Maria Cantwell (oh, the things I've done to that last name!). The Republicans aren't much better with Olympia Snowe and the ditsy Susan Collins. These hags and political whores don't do much credit to their part of the species.

Is that enough for today? I haven't been focused on politics this week. I'll try to alert you in advance next time.

One more thing since I'm listening to Christmas Carols on the radio. I really don't like Karen Carpenter. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate her silky voice, but for crying out loud, her songs could go on the Soundtrack to Seasonal Affective Disorder. She sings waaaaaaaaaay too slow. William Shatner doesn't draw out a word like she can. Some people may like that but I like my music up tempo and BIG.

If you've heard Amy Grant's versions of Angels We Have Heard on High and Hark the Herald Angels Sing, or Michael Crawford singing O Holy Night, or Boney M singing Mary's Boy Child (all favorite carols), then you have an idea of how I like my music. I once told someone that I will not have considered myself to have fully lived until I have heard Ride of the Valkyries clearly from a mile away. If it can be sung it should be accompanied by music (that doesn't include rap which should be accompanied by the report of field artillery and followed by silence). If it can be accompanied by music it should be orchestrated. If you can orchestrate it and add a chorus then you can double the orchestra. Music should move you...literally. The sound waves should be felt in your body and physically move your cells.