Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Who Watches the Watchers?

Of all the onerous aspects of the health care 'law' we now toil under, perhaps the worst aspect of it is that it will be administered by the IRS. Evil the Obama Administration may be but he and his minions are not stupid. Unlike every other federal, state, and local agency in the United States, the IRS illegally and un-Constitutionally is not bound by English Common Law. Every agency except the IRS has to presume you are innocent no matter how compromising a situation they may find you in. In contradiction to every barrier of protection the Founders provided for us, the IRS gets to start with the assumption that we are guilty and they have a permanent battery of lawyers set to impoverish and destroy those who would stand in defiance of them. Obama and his snakes are adding 16,000 new IRS agents to monitor compliance with yet another un-Constitutional law knowing full well that this one agency can circumvent every protection US citizens have against tyrannical government. Many may not recognize it but this is a second huge step in the process of transforming us from citizens into subjects.

April 21st is St. George's Day but this year it will mark another important and tyrannical event in US history. Three US companies Caterpillar, John Deere, and Verizon will be hauled up before Henry "the Cue Ball" Waxman and his committee for FOLLOWING THE LAW!!! The three companies issued revised, projected earnings statements as they must, by law, to one of the infinite government agencies, based on projected health care costs from the new Obama law. Well, "Nostrilitis" Waxman doesn't like reality intruding into fantasy so he's mad at these three companies for rightly complaining that the law will hurt their investors. Adopting the same thug, Chicago Mafia tactics used by Obama on a daily basis and by the same committee against Toyota; once again a committee composed of scum and villainy will be accusing honorable businessmen of "crimes against government".

Waxman, Obama, Peolsi, Reid, Frank, Emanuel and the rest are nothing less than traitors to this nation. Every moment they are in office and every step they take reinforces Ronald Reagan's maxim: Government is not the solution; government IS the problem.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Obama the...


Yes, I'm going to say it out loud, Obama is an anti-Semite. His Administration does have Jews in it but they are the anti-Zionist, self-loathing type in the mold of Rahm Emmanuel. His hatred of Israel though is becoming a stumbling block. He is demanding 'regime' change in Israel because, no doubt, Prime Minister Netanyahu did not fall for any of Obama's thug, strong arm tactics in spite of the open insults and back room torture sessions. Now, the US is holding its veto of UN sanctions against Israel over them like a Sword of Damocles. This coming on the heels of Reichsmarshall Obama's manufactured US/Israel crisis over a housing project in an area of Jerusalem that was EXPRESSLY NOT controversial. Unlike his archetype - Jimmy Carter - Obama cannot be so naive that he doesn't see the danger he is placing Israel in. By creating a rift between them and the US and publicly chastising them, he will only embolden their Muslim enemies. Israel can no longer rely on the US as a solid ally (at least until 2013) and they have been wisely courting European nations since the Anointing of Obama.


He smiles at you with that big toothy, Arab-like grin. He bows obsequiously to other dignitaries like the stereotypical Arab in the old movies. Then, when you are off guard, he shouts 'Allahyhu Akbar' and sinks a dagger into your back. I have already pointed out his anti-Semitism - on par with the most frothing at the mouth jihadist. He spent time in a Madrasa as a child. He gravitated toward radicals and radical causes as a young adult. He found a 'church' where hatred spewed forth from the pulpit that compares to the teachings of the most radical Imam in a mosque. He deals with opposition by destroying or enslaving those who oppose him. In spite of all that, I don't think he is a Muslim. He simply cannot be. He also cannot be a Christian because it is obvious that he hates any being that would set itself up as God in opposition to him. He wants to convert us all or kill us in the process. His armies must shout 'Obamayhu Akbar' as they charge into battle against his 'divine' authority.

...Authoritarian Dictator

He won and we lost. To him that means we cannot oppose anything he wants to do in direct contravention of the idea of a Representative Republic. He does not care a bit about the Constitution. He and his Congress have passed Health Care in defiance of the will of the people. He took over banks and two car companies with disregard to the will of the people. He governs with Executive Orders and when Congress won't pass what he wants, he forces it through the Bureaucracy. He cuts ties with America's traditional, republican allies and embraces our dictatorial enemies. He surrounds himself with criminals, with petty union dictators, 'scientists' without morals or ethics, and people of every stripe who want only to enrich themselves and curb individual liberties of the 'masses'.

It is a good thing that God is great and Obama is not because we are now pilgrims in an unholy land.