The speed with which the Regime and its useful idiot partners are dismantling the Constitution and the nation is startling. We are either going to be nannied to death or completely ignored depending on the situation.
Nashville is drowning but you wouldn't know it. While at least 18 people have perished in West Tennessee flooding, the B-HO has yet to declare it a disaster area. Damage estimates have already topped the $1,000,000,000 (Billion) mark making this one the most expensive non-hurricane disasters in US History. The MSM and even Fox News relegate it to the TV news equivalent of the back pages because the Phoenix Suns wearing "Los Suns" jerseys is apparently more important. In spite of all this, Nashvillians have risen to the occasion. Looting is minimal or non-existent in stark contrast to Democrat run/Third World New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. No FEMA is probably a good thing since they were taking away people's guns and leaving them to be looted and raped in NO. I suppose one of the lessons we can learn from this - especially if we apply the "Katrina standard" that was glued to a much more engaged and concerned George Bush - is that Barrack Obama hates white people.
Speaking of being 'engaged', the B-HO took eight days to get anything going after the BP oil rig burned and collapsed into the Gulf of Mexico. I guess he was practicing the Saul Alinsky principle of not letting a crisis go to waste. Nope. He let it become a full-blown disaster. Of course, this now can let him backpedal on his promise to open more oil exploration and drilling off-shore. OPEC is already passive-aggressively slowing production as noted by the recent climb in gas prices. If the Regime takes off-shore drilling off the table we could be in for a long summer of high gas prices. The last oil shock helped bring about the current recession. Another oil shock this summer could send the economy into the abyss by the end of this year. I shudder to even mention what that could look like. Official unemployment might reach 15-18% while actual unemployment could reach or exceed 25%. We haven't seen numbers like that since the Great Depression. Watch gas prices and be ready for a spike. You might want to pack away a little extra food as well; or convert to Mormonism...
Though I have not been to or officially joined the TEA Party movement, I am a huge supporter of it. I have adopted the Rush Limbaugh approach by calling the Obama Administration a Regime. In the eyes of Stalinist reporter Joe Klein, this is enough to label me as seditious! The diminutive in stature and intellect "journalist" may have a point. However, I don't recall him reaching for a dictionary to look up sedition when people were talking about the Bush "Regime". Nor did he consult Mr. Webster when a play and book about killing then sitting president Bush were released. Nope, that didn't rise to his definition of sedition. Instead, people of all races and socio-economic levels PEACEFULLY yet angrily protesting against massive and further government intrusion into their lives fits. Talk show hosts advocating peaceful revolution at the ballot box in November of 2010 and 2012 also fit.
I like to call Obama the Kenyan Katastrophe as a tweak on the liberal nose. I don't know for certain if he was born in the US or not but until solid evidence is produced I will take him at his word on that (little else though). I call his administration a Regime not because I believe the election was illegitimate somehow (let's face it, a cracked vase with big daisies could have beat McCain in 2008) but because the Congress, Senate, and Administration are running the nation as if they were some sort of ruling junta. They are elected to respond to the will of the people even if they think the people are wrong. They have acted counter to our wishes on small occasions without too many repercussions but on large issues - you know, like taking command of 1/6 of the American economy! - they HAVE to be guided by our will or suffer the consequences. To paraphrase Patrick Henry: If this be sedition then let's make the most of it!
The FDA thinks it should tell us how much salt we can have. Never mind that its own RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) has been shown to be less than the amount needed for optimum brain function. Virtually everything we do is now regulated. We get tickets for not wearing a seat belt. Yeah, I know, it saves lives. If you believe in Darwinism then those who don't wear seat belts will help strengthen the gene pool by eliminating themselves from it and leaving smarter people in later generations. We can't drive and use cell phones anymore - though most people couldn't seem to do both. They were most likely stupid people that would have not been alive anyway had there not been seat belt laws! There are disclaimers and tags on almost everything we buy. Small parts may cause a choking hazard (DUH!). Plastic bags covering TVs and computers are not toys (REALLY?). Don't eat the little bag of Chiclets you find in most boxed items that says DO NOT EAT (and here I thought they sent bonus food with my new stereo!). We are warned that knives are sharp, not to put our hands or feet under a running lawn mower, and more. Then we are told what speed to drive. Except in towns and residential areas, speeding is less about safety than it is about revenue generation. Just as the instant replay has made NFL officials worse and more stupid, more regulation and warnings on everything make people more and more stupid.
OK, this isn't nearly as big a deal as the other stuff. Rather than refute the anti-Arizona race baiters and the terminally aggrieved like the racists at the National Council of La Raza (the Race), I'm merely going to mention how the law affects me personally. I am and have for some time been a semi-closeted fan of the lovely and talented Colombians singer Shakira. However, her recent decision to involve herself in a battle that is (1) no concern of hers and (2) something she hasn't done any fact checking about forced me to make a moral choice. Shakira lost. I unlinked her from my Facebook account. (Z OK, so it IS a BIG deal!) I'm sure she's heartbroken and will be repenting her error any moment...aaaaaaaany...moment...OK, maybe not.