Monday, May 3, 2010

Interesting Tidbits?


Last week while watching Bones, I was momentarily annoyed by a PSA for "Green Week" from the world's most irritating and foul-mouthed chef - Gordon Ramsey. Amazingly, without cursing once in 30 seconds, Chef Ramsey informed us that we should be buying fresh foods rather than frozen food because processing and storage of frozen foods takes ten times the amount of energy used to process and store fresh foods. Seriously? Who do these people think they are? Frozen food is probably one of the greatest miracles of the modern age.

Don't get me wrong, I prefer fresh food. The freshness of my food isn't the issue here. This is about the agenda hiding behind the green movement. GE's agenda to move jobs to China and gobble up more of the light bulb market has pushed the incandescent light bulb toward extinction in spite of the dangers found in CFLs. So what would be the purpose of pushing us all toward mostly if not all fresh food?

Dependency. Most fresh foods last less than a week; perhaps two if you buy those funky preservation bowls seen on late night TV. Frozen food can last over a year depending on how well it is packaged. Canned food can last several years in spite of the expiration dates printed on them. People living mostly on fresh foods will never have more than a few days worth of food in the house in case of an emergency which means they will quickly become dependent on others - especially the government - should there be even a modest interruption of the food supply. Think about that the next time you're in the freezer aisle and grab an extra bag of something frozen.


The new AZ illegal immigration law is causing quite an unnecessary hub-bub among the leftists and race hustlers. The law was crafted very carefully and underwent a number of drafts to ensure it would pass Constitutional muster (provided anyone on the courts still follows the Constitution). The law basically restates Federal immigration law and forces AZ police officers to actually follow said Federal laws! What a concept! Yet, if you listen to the media, the race hustlers, and the charlatans posing as intelligentsia, you'd think that the Grand Canyon State was burning crosses in people's yards and raising swastika flags over the capitol building.

Aren't the people who protest that Arizona is becoming a Nazi state the same people who want the police to pull over people for not wearing a seat belt? The leftist totalitarians hate freedom when it applies to people going about their daily lives. They want us ticketed for using cell phones while driving. The same people are limiting how much salt we eat and, in part of California, outlawed toys in a Happy Meal! These people just pushed a bill into law that makes us have to 'show our papers' to prove we have health insurance! But it isn't 'Nazi' when it is 'for our own good'.

Arizona is desperate. Phoenix is the kidnapping capital of the US. People living near the borders are afraid to leave their homes for long lest they return to find (those "otherwise law abiding") illegal immigrants rummaging through their refrigerators. Illegals recently killed a rancher on his own property near the border. In spite of all this, Congress refuses to take up the issue SO CLOSE TO THE ELECTION! And the Feds refuse to tighten the border. So Arizona will have to do it themselves and endure the bullying by the media and groups like La Raza, an openly RACIST group seeking to conquer the US Southwest. Support Arizona however you can. They are on the right track.


Florida's governor Charlie Crist was running far behind his GOP opponent for US Senate, Marco Rubio. Rather than gracefully step aside of the popular, young, and charismatic Conservative, Crist, seeing the reigns of power slipping from his grasp, chose to cut ties to his party and run as an independent. This doesn't seen to have helped him according to polling data; nor has it helped the Democrat candidate. Unless some nasty scandal breaks or Rubio makes some huge gaff, he is probably assured of a Senate seat in November. Meanwhile, Crist has demonstrated that he is a power monger - which is the best reason not to vote for him whether he has a D, an R, or an I behind his name. Pack it in Governor Crist. The people of Florida and the US are on to you and we will not support you any more.

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