Friday, November 6, 2009

Random Thoughts and Parting Shots(for the weekend)

Well, the Mafia sponsored (I know, the Mafia doesn't exist; they're just refuse collectors) team won the World Series this year. Of course it cost a billion dollars in payroll and a new stadium for the Sopranos of the baseball world to prove 'victorious'. I was hoping that the decade would clear out before the Bronx Bummers would buy another trophy but we can't have everything.

Speaking of which, somehow Boise State University still manages a high enough ranking to be in BCS competition. I suspect the BCS is run by the Velvet Mafia since it doesn't seem to know anything about football! Now BSU may be a legitimate top 25 team, I won't argue that point; but they aren't a top ten team just based on the weakness of their schedule and certainly should not be contenders for a BCS bowl game. Its way past time for a College Football playoff system.

Of course BSU may have found the proper formula for consistent BCS standings. I call it the Ohio State Stratagem. Play as soft a schedule as possible and only play 10 or 11 games to optimize your chances for a perfect record and wham, bam, thank you Velvet Mafia, you're in a BCS bowl game. Ah, sweet smelly revenue; who cares if you don't deserve to be there.

This may seem insensitive coming one day on the heels of the terrible tragedy at Fort Hood; but I cannot say I was overly shocked to learn that the assailant had an Arabic name and was a Muslim. One would think that in a sane world, he might not have been offered a commission in the United States military but the US government has done little to prove to me that anything they do is sane in the last 20 years. You want a parallel with Rome? Here it is. We have become so hubristic and indolent that we allow the ENEMY to serve in our military just as the Romans allowed Germanic people to serve in theirs. My heart is heavy for the innocent and patriotic Americans that died yesterday and the families that will miss them. My heart is heavier for the nation that allowed this to happen out of some misguided notion of political correctness.

On a lighter note, I'm looking forward to next weeks release of the movie 2012. Nothing warms the soul like a high cheese factor, big budget, disaster movie. I'm hoping for a lot of gratuitous destruction. But having written my own disaster-piece theatre tome, I'm sure it will disappoint. Oh sure, there will be the obligatory and joyful moments as New York and Los Angeles are destroyed. No disaster movie is complete without the euphoria of seeing the Eiffel Tower collapse and the obligatory destruction of some other easily recognized world landmarks. It has always troubled me that none of these movies ever show anything being destroyed in the Southern Hemisphere (with the occasional exception of the Sydney Harbor Bridge). Maybe its because there isn't anything in the Southern Hemisphere except the Sydney Harbor Bridge worth destroying. Somehow I don't think nature is quite so picky. Just once though, I'd like to freak out a few eco-nuts or bleeding heart 'we owe the third world'ers by having the asteroid/doomsday scenario wipe out Buenos Aires, Nairobi, or Riyadh. Better yet, since we are OBVIOUSLY the world's good guys and THEY aren't, how about some cosmic justice? Lets have it hit Beijing, Tehran, Caracas, or Havana. Now that really would warm the soul!

Enjoy your weekend.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Election Results

Interesting election results. The Democrats must be stunned by the scope of their loss in yesterday's elections. In Virginia, Republicans won the Governor, Lt. Governor, and Attorney General; only the second time in history that all three offices were swept by one party. Only a year ago the left was chirping that they turned Virginia from red to solid blue (while in the same breath they attempted to claim that Obama made us no longer a red or blue nation). Now I know that on Monday I spanked the GOP for moving left of center and I'm still of that opinion but the candidates in Virginia ran on conservative platforms - also a smack in the chops to the Country Club elitist Republicans running the party.

In New Jersey, one of the bluest of the blue states, a modestly Conservative Chris Christie beat Jon Corzine, a self made Goldman Sachs multi-millionaire (remember Goldman Sachs is in thick with the government). Granted Corzine was up to his oversized nostrils in the political corruption Jersey is famous for but that isn't why he lost. He was slightly ahead of Christie until Obama made it his goal to 'save' Corzine. At that point polls fell into a statistical dead heat demonstrating that Jersey was as much a rejection of Obama as it was Corzine.

New York 23 has to be giving both the Democrats and Republican leadership fits. A boring, uninspiring, candidate running as a Conservative came from statistical oblivion within one month to force the hand-picked, liberal Republican candidate out of the campaign and come within a hair's breadth of beating a moderate Democrat. In fact, the Republican candidate has been shown to be more LIBERAL than the Democrat candidate! Though the Democrat won with a plurality 49% it has to be a hollow victory. I think this contest will spur other conservatives to third party campaigns in 2010 especially if the party pushes liberal or moderate Republicans in those districts.

Now to Washington politics.

I-1033 went down 55%-45% but I think that was as much on the unpopularity of its backer Tim Eyman. He has been demonized throughout the state after successfully separating Olympia from your money by getting through a flat fee on license tabs rather than us paying a 2% tax based on the value of the vehicle. Of course the state completely ignored that it received increased revenue from new car sales taxes.

Referendum 71, to expand domestic partnerships looks like a very narrow pass 51%-49%. I wrestled with this a lot. As a Christian, I am opposed to the idea of gay 'marriage' but I also realize that the US is not a theocracy. Unlike certain dogmas, I also don't subscribe to the theory that we have to make the world better in order to please God and make it so Jesus comes back. If Revelation is right, the world is going to suck worse than now when Jesus comes back. The libertarian in me also doesn't really care if Adam and Steve want to visit each other in the hospital. Frankly, I think every person should be able to draw up a list of people that can visit them in the hospital no matter the relation. If I want Natalie Portman on the list, no one should be able to stop that even if Natalie Portman is about as likely to rush to my bedside as Al Gore is to put down a doughnut. I think many people cautiously voted for this but are wary of any group attempting to take the further step of legalizing gay 'marriage'. Of course with all the rain sotted leftist morons in Seattle, I could be wrong...

And fortunately the City of Spokane overwhelmingly rejected what can only be described as a Socialist Utopian (which for real people means Distopian) change the sheets kind of dream in Proposition 4, 75%-25%! Prop 4 is the kind of idiocy that can only come from the likes of SEIU, ACORN, the Mafia run Unions, and the rest of the spectrum of drug addled, STD riddled (all that 'free' love), Wiccan, Vegan, Rainbow flag, Free Tibet bumper sticker on your Subaru Outback or Forrester crowd of Marxists that unrightfully steal oxygen from the rest of us. Don't rest on your laurels though. Envision Spokane will likely be back with more lunacy next year (they have a website so you can see just how out of touch with real people they are) so stay vigilant!

Stay vigilant. Pray for the people of Iran who are valiantly opposing 'President' Ahmedinijad (who cares how you spell it!). Sic Semper Tyrannus!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Goodbye GOP

I hate to orient this blog on the daily news but news comes and goes so fast these days that its hard to ignore something until I want to discuss it. Tomorrow's elections fall into that category.

In the 23rd District of New York, the RINO (Republican in Name Only) candidate suspended her campaign on the heels of a strong challenge from a Conservative candidate who might actually beat the Democrat (in a show of RINO true colors, she endorsed the Democrat). Conservative independents are making strong showings in several races. While this might have some short term bad consequences, it lays the groundwork for a longer term chance to fundamentally change American politics as much as the Republican party did when it split from the Whigs.

In the 1850s the Abolitionists in the Whig party grew disgruntled with their party leadership which had gone wishy-washy and refused to address issues related to abolishing slavery and split off to create the modern Republican party. Like modern RINOs, the Whigs could hardly be distinguished from rank and file Democrats of the day.

Like many former GOPers, I have felt further and further alienated from the party since the moderates used Newt Gingrich's foibles to wrangle control of the party from conservatives. These same moderates wrecked the 1994 Revolution and by 2006 lost control of the House and the Senate. These same self-serving, East Coast, celebrity loving, elitist, Democrat wannabes then opted for the 'media darling' candidate, John McCain in the 2008 election virtually assuring that the Democrat candidate would get elected. In fact McCain's campaign was SO bad that had he picked an equally squishy moderate for VP rather than the unjustly maligned Sarah Palin, it is entirely likely that he would have lost the election by percentages somewhere in the teens rather than 8%. Of course the Party hacks completely missed or cognitively dissociated the lesson from 2008 and continue to pursue a platform of 'me too' globalist-statism while poll numbers continue to show conservatives abandoning the party en masse.

Tomorrow's elections may split the votes between Republicans and Conservative Independents. While the media prognosticators might be rejoicing over this since they are leftists anyway, they are also exhibiting signs of fear. In 1992, Republicans dissatisfied with George Bush 41 sought refuge in Ross Perot and other Independents allowing Bill Clinton to win a plurality vote. In 1996 Conservatives forced the moderate Bob Dole to pick the conservative Jack Kemp as VP in order to keep us from rebellion. In 2000 Conservatives threatened to bolt the party forcing George Bush 43 to run as a Reaganite even though he was probably closer to Lyndon Johnson politically. In 2004 Bush 43 swerved right again to keep another grassroots rebellion at bay. I have already spotlighted the disastrous 2008 election. The last thing the media wants is a unified conservative front with a strong, well articulated agenda that energizes Americans to demand that the government return us to the Original Intent of the Constitution. They shudder in fear that we will stand once again to stop the 'New World Order' they want so desperately.

Well now its 2009 and thanks to the Tea Party movement, continuing GOP marginalization of conservatives, and the actual threat of America goose-stepping down the Fascist abyss, it looks like my fellow conservatives have had enough. Even if we split the vote and let a few more Democrats in this year, the GOP has been put on notice. We have demanded spending cuts for years but the GOP and Democrats have brought us and our children a $12 TRILLION debt (and growing!). Together they have both eroded American rights and sovereignty. Together they have caressed, kissed, slapped, kicked, cajoled, browbeat, and dragged us toward globalist-Marxist-uberStatism. The GOP has one year in which to move back to a center-right party and join conservatives in preserving America or we will leave them just as our political ancestors left the Whig party. This could well be another American revolution IF we stand up as one and remember that what unites us is stronger than what divides us. In another decade, if they are not careful, the GOP might find itself sitting on a museum shelf next to the Whigs wondering how it withered and died so quickly.

When talking about the GOP, I like to paraphrase my political mentor and favorite president: Ronald Reagan. I didn't leave the Republican party; they left me.

So Goodbye GOP. Write me if you ever get your head straight.