Friday, November 6, 2009

Random Thoughts and Parting Shots(for the weekend)

Well, the Mafia sponsored (I know, the Mafia doesn't exist; they're just refuse collectors) team won the World Series this year. Of course it cost a billion dollars in payroll and a new stadium for the Sopranos of the baseball world to prove 'victorious'. I was hoping that the decade would clear out before the Bronx Bummers would buy another trophy but we can't have everything.

Speaking of which, somehow Boise State University still manages a high enough ranking to be in BCS competition. I suspect the BCS is run by the Velvet Mafia since it doesn't seem to know anything about football! Now BSU may be a legitimate top 25 team, I won't argue that point; but they aren't a top ten team just based on the weakness of their schedule and certainly should not be contenders for a BCS bowl game. Its way past time for a College Football playoff system.

Of course BSU may have found the proper formula for consistent BCS standings. I call it the Ohio State Stratagem. Play as soft a schedule as possible and only play 10 or 11 games to optimize your chances for a perfect record and wham, bam, thank you Velvet Mafia, you're in a BCS bowl game. Ah, sweet smelly revenue; who cares if you don't deserve to be there.

This may seem insensitive coming one day on the heels of the terrible tragedy at Fort Hood; but I cannot say I was overly shocked to learn that the assailant had an Arabic name and was a Muslim. One would think that in a sane world, he might not have been offered a commission in the United States military but the US government has done little to prove to me that anything they do is sane in the last 20 years. You want a parallel with Rome? Here it is. We have become so hubristic and indolent that we allow the ENEMY to serve in our military just as the Romans allowed Germanic people to serve in theirs. My heart is heavy for the innocent and patriotic Americans that died yesterday and the families that will miss them. My heart is heavier for the nation that allowed this to happen out of some misguided notion of political correctness.

On a lighter note, I'm looking forward to next weeks release of the movie 2012. Nothing warms the soul like a high cheese factor, big budget, disaster movie. I'm hoping for a lot of gratuitous destruction. But having written my own disaster-piece theatre tome, I'm sure it will disappoint. Oh sure, there will be the obligatory and joyful moments as New York and Los Angeles are destroyed. No disaster movie is complete without the euphoria of seeing the Eiffel Tower collapse and the obligatory destruction of some other easily recognized world landmarks. It has always troubled me that none of these movies ever show anything being destroyed in the Southern Hemisphere (with the occasional exception of the Sydney Harbor Bridge). Maybe its because there isn't anything in the Southern Hemisphere except the Sydney Harbor Bridge worth destroying. Somehow I don't think nature is quite so picky. Just once though, I'd like to freak out a few eco-nuts or bleeding heart 'we owe the third world'ers by having the asteroid/doomsday scenario wipe out Buenos Aires, Nairobi, or Riyadh. Better yet, since we are OBVIOUSLY the world's good guys and THEY aren't, how about some cosmic justice? Lets have it hit Beijing, Tehran, Caracas, or Havana. Now that really would warm the soul!

Enjoy your weekend.

1 comment:

  1. My friend, you just ooze of east coast "love", it just warms my heart. I will have to disagree with the "buying" a World Series championship. Now in the past, there was that one off situation in which the Florida Marlins may have bought a World Series in 1997, but that was just an anomoly. I believe anyone can spend any amount of money, small or large sums, on whatever player they want to have on the roster. In the end, it all comes down to how well a team will work together, or in the case the Mets, fall apart in pieces. Yes, the Mets, a team with a new park, and big payroll, but Humpty Dumpty couldn't keep it all togther. In fact, the Yankees have been spending big money for the last 9 years just to get back to to the Series. (Let's keep this one thing in mind, I am not a Yankee lover or supporter, and never will be.) Let's get on to the point here, where was I, oh, no matter the amount of cash, it comes down to working together. If you remember, during spring training, I predicted the Yankees would win this year, as much as it pained me to say. Why did I say this? A-Roid finally confessed. All those years of being on the juice held him back, which in essence, affected the teams he was on - Mariners, Rangers, and Yankees. Once he confessed, it did something to the dynamics of the team. Look at those lovable Cubbies. If Zambrano could be more of a positive image to the team, instead of the 4th-grader tantrums in the dugout, there could be a different outcome. Therefore, no matter how much money is spent, small or big, the outcome depends teamwork.
