Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Border Bothers

Does anyone believe for a moment that if the flood of Mexican nationals illegally crossing the US border every day were potential Republican voters rather than potential Democrat voters that the Democrats and their activists would hesitate to close the border and do the "impossible" - round up 12 million illegals and deport them? Conversely, do you believe that the jelly spined Republicans would be attempting to stop the Mexican tsunami? That is problemo numero uno (a little Spanish lingo there) in the immigration debate. Washington refuses to do anything serious about it because both parties want to court illegals as a voting bloc.

Meanwhile, Phoenix suffers as the 2nd highest kidnapping city IN THE WORLD. Which is one reason in a long list of why they took the drastic step of passing their own immigration law in the face of a heedless, heartless, hear-less federal government. Vigilantism is almost always a result of government failure to dispense justice. It just happens that in this case, the vigilante is a state government rather than an individual or group of individuals. The way things are proceeding, it could soon be a group of states instead of just one as even Pennsylvania is considering adopting the Arizona law. Wouldn't that signal to ANY reasonable and normal person that SOMETHING is wrong???

I read a disturbing article recently about Legal Immigration. The companies contracted to handle the incoming mail applications are paid by the piece but there is no oversight by the former INS now the USCIS (US Citizens & Immigration Services) Department to ensure they are actually getting the services for which they pay. And naturally no company or individual would ever take advantage of that little loophole /sarc/. Backlogs for immigrations/visas grew into years as mail waits to be processed and USCIS's budget exploded. In its infinitely insignificant "wisdom" Congress responded by increasing the cost of applications for Green Cards which created even more backlog since more people applied to get in before the rate increase took effect. No doubt more unionized employees will be hired to process mail and still there will be no oversight so taxpayers suffer even more money lost to corruption. In spite of all that (and much more that I haven't covered) we still process in about 1 million LEGAL immigrants every year.

To add further insult to the US's immigration woes, a UN 'rights' commission (ho boy!) decided that Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona (LONG MAY SHE REIGN!!!) is a worse threat to human rights than president Imapoopykakahead in Iran, Infidel Castrati in Cuba, Huge-o Chav-a$$ in Venezuela, and the original camel humper himself: Mummar Kaddafi in Libya. Really? Good thing I'm not governor of AZ or I would show them what a violation of human rights is.

Mexico is a dying nation. It suffers from the twin ills of terrible Iberian Imperialism and Catholic Communist Economics (more on that some other time). It was born corrupt and it will die corrupt. Like a loved one in denial, the Beltway crowd and the American left don't want to see that unless they quarantine the victim, the 'cancer' will spread to us as well.