Monday, October 26, 2009

Getting to Know You...

It is important to know the Czars and the Cabinet since the B-HO has claimed that to know what he believes we have to look at the people he surrounds himself with. I've already gone into some detail about Economics Czar Paul Adolph Volcker. I'm going to do a brief overview of some of the Cabinet members and the other Czars.

Treasury Secretary Timmy "I can't figure out Turbo Tax" Geithner. He was 9th president of the New York Fed. He worked for the IMF from 2001-2003. He is a Senior Fellow with the sinister organization the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in International Economics and once more, he was part of Volcker's Group of Thirty. Timmy arranged the federal bailout of Bear Sterns and AIG. He also played a role in the decision not to bail out Lehman Brothers (Lehman Brothers was seen as the main competitor of Goldman Sachs for whom previous Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson worked. Hmmm...I wonder why they didn't get bailed out...). Also on Timmy's resume are the Center for Global Development (Progressive), the Economic Club of New York (claims political neutrality but leans left), the Bank of International Settlements, and the Bilderbergers. In addition, his wife was a research associate at Common Cause, a 'Progressive'/Leftist organization.

The Tarp Czar, Herb Allison was a CEO of Fannie Mae (ho boy). He also was Finance Chairman for McCain's 2000 election campaign (McCain is another Progressive which is what makes him a 'maverick' Republican). He was chairman of TIAA/CREF and CEO of Lifelong Learning (a Yale, Oxford, Stanford Progressive educational co-op).

Science Czar John Holdren has been well documented by Glenn Beck and others. I'd like to add that he is a committed Eugenicist (the same people who brought you the Holocaust). He is a member of the Limits to Growth Club a leftist environmental organization.

Carol Browner the Energy Czar was head of the EPA under Clinton. She was part of the leftist Citizen Action, a Nader created leftist environmental lobby firm, a member of Socialist International (WTF????), on the board of Algore's Alliance for Climate Protection, part of the Center for American Progress (oh yes, they are 'Progressive'), part of APX Inc. (a carbon credit trading board (and people think Cheney had a conflict of interest with Halliburton)).

Climate Czar Todd Stern is a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, Kyoto Protocol negotiator, and belongs to the CFR.

Ashton Carter the Weapons Czar consults with Goldman Sachs and a CFR member.

Cass Sunstein is a radical animal rights activist. He is a proponent of the "2nd Bill of Rights" which guarantees housing, healthcare, a house, food, and other needs even if you refuse to work. He is the quintessential Progressive believing that people should be forced to make 'correct' choices.

Christina Romer another Economics Czar is a committed Keynesian and an Economics Professor at UC Berkeley (heaven help us).

Many of the Czars and Cabinet members have ties to Harvard and Yale. Both universities have become less educational institutions than indoctrination centers for Progressives, Marxists, and Leftists of all shades. Both Obama and Bush came out of these two systems.

All of these people are committed in their own particular areas of 'expertise' to the Progressive agenda. They are transnationalists. They are anti-American values, anti-dollar, anti-individual. Learn what you can about them and tell everyone you know that these unelected, often unapproved, and always unAmerican people need to be exposed and forced out of government circles.


  1. Can there be a "scary" option in the ratings? Because the data presented is a wee bit frightening, especially since few if none of these people have gone through Congressional approval per the Constitution.
    the wife

  2. Reading this is like reading the bio of characters of Marvel's "Dark Reign" storyline. Think Marvel is trying to say something here?
