Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Opting out of Government...Anything

Random Thought: William Jefferson Clinton, George Walker Bush, Barrack Hussein Obama (mmm....mmmm...mmm) all have more in common than they do differences. Other than the obnoxious use of all three names, they are all ivy league educated elitists. They are all, to varying degrees, Progressives. All three of them have and are eroding American sovereignty. All of them are also Baby Boomers. Perhaps it is just coincidence or maybe coming from that failure of a generation is the problem. Granted there are plenty of decent Boomers, my parents included, but as a generation they stink. Maybe the 2010 and 2012 mantras should be 'No More Boomers!'

Okay, I am tired of the healthcare debate especially since it has been entirely corrupted and dominated by the left but I have to weigh in one more time.

I've argued a conservative line against government run healthcare and gotten scorned for it. When I argue that I want tort reform, I get leftist lawyers claiming that malpractice is a small part of their practice and it won't affect costs. Then how come doctors that have never been sued have to pay upwards of $30,000 per year in malpractice insurance? Doesn't anyone think that might impact the cost of healthcare? Tort reform is an important piece of healthcare reform but not the sole answer.

Unlike most conservatives I don't pay much attention to the argument about opening up insurance to cross state lines. I don't think it will impact the price much simply because every state has such different laws. In the long term it may help control costs but short term it wouldn't likely have any effect.

There are hundreds of other arguments from opening competition in healthcare suppliers and getting rid of price controls on what a procedure costs. Perhaps one of the best would be to force medical schools to produce more doctors and PAs at lower costs to increase competition inside the industry. But this isn't about ways to fix the problem that was created by liberals in the first place. This is about the Number One reason to be against Government Healthcare and government a lot of other things.

No one I have argued with has even attempted to refute the following argument. Government Healthcare is not a legitimate function of the Federal government under the Constitution. The Founding Fathers established a minimalist de-centralized Federal government in order to ensure maximum personal liberty. This nation was established to be as close to anarchy without the evils of anarchy as humanly possible. Most of us still want that but the small cadre of people who want to trade personal liberty for cradle to grave security and the people who want power over others for nefarious purposes are currently in control. They are bent on overturning the Constitution and ridding themselves of freedom loving individuals and the current healthcare 'crisis' is part of that. American personal freedom scares those of the Authoritarian/Totalitarian bent (especially people steeped in Eastern Civilization which negates the idea of the sovereign individual altogether).

When arguing with these people don't be afraid to shout them down. Wave the Constitution in their faces. Choke them with it if you have to. The healthcare debate isn't about healthcare, it is about whether or not we will be free. I might be labeled a hypocrite for this but a free people cannot survive by allowing those who are against freedom to exist among them. They will taint us, they will lure us to our doom with promises of 'free' housing, healthcare, food, entertainment, love, etc. They will promise us anything to get us into shackles. And at this moment they are in control of our federal government, our media, our pop culture, and many of our state and local governments. Raise the standard of freedom and take a stand before it is too late.

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