Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Democrat Discontent

The Crusader has been side-tracked lately with aspects of real life. Here are a couple of quick items to keep you happy!

Eat, Drink, and No Murray?
On local radio this morning I heard that a recent poll in the People's Republic of Washington (the state not the District) where I currently reside, Democrat Senator Patty Murray, who is up for election this November, is running behind Republican Dino Rossi 43%-45%. Murray's seat was considered safe as late as early last summer but it is likely that her open support of health care and constant visibility next to Harry Reid and Chucky Schumer have shattered her support even in her liberal King County Base. Two things about this poll. I don't know who authorized it but my observations have been that with a couple of exceptions when a Republican is behind by less than 8% then the race is actually about even. If the Republican is behind within the margin of error then he/she is slightly ahead. If the GOP candidate is ahead within the margin of error it means they are winning by 5-8%. And if the Republican is ahead outside of the margin of error of the poll then they are beating the pants off the Democrat. Applying that to the poll, that means Dino Rossi is ahead of Patty Murray. Oh, I forgot to mention the other aspect of this poll. Dino Rossi is not a candidate nor has he expressed an intention or desire to run. Does that tell you how much trouble Murray is really in?

1 comment:

  1. Thank for giving a tiny morsel of your great mind...I want more! Give me more!
