Monday, April 5, 2010

The Eternal Hope of Spring

Unlike Obama's false hope and change, Spring brings actual hope to us every year. No matter how bad the winter, how hard the times, as the days lengthen and the last gasps of winter rage about us, all humans no matter their religion or culture are filled with new hope every spring.

Spring's greatest hope comes in the form of Easter, the day Christianity celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ as the Savior of all mankind. Easter generally falls around one of the most ancient holy days celebrated by Christianity's older sibling Judaism: Passover. The Jewish Passover has been celebrated continuously for roughly four millenia now. Foreshadowing the salvation of Christ by about 2000 years, faithful Jews brushed lamb's blood on their doorposts at Moses command to avoid the last of the plagues visited on Egypt. That night the angel sent by God to kill all the firstborn of Egypt 'passed over' the houses with lamb's blood on the doorposts. Jesus is often referred to as the lamb of God and like the faithful Jews in Egypt, God will recognize us as His own when we paint the "Blood of the Lamb" on our spiritual doorposts. Have you taken this important step to be passed over for death?

The other great hope that 'springs eternal' every April is the opening of Baseball Season. Like the Jews during the Diaspora would utter the hopeful phrase "Next year in Jerusalem", Cubs fans claim that this year is their year. One wonders if Cubs fans will wander longer than the Jews. Today though is the day that every fan of every of the 30 MLB teams can hope that this is their year (except probably for Mets fans who languish in the eternal torment of injury Limbo). For baseball fans hope and summer are measured by 162 games rather than days. The rainiest day of summer will be bright when our team wins and the sunniest day will be dimmed a bit when they lose; but until the end of September, tomorrow brings hope that they will win again and we can bask in the warm glow of victory clear through October.

Here's a little tidbit of wisdom from Earl Pitts.
The three words every man wants to hear from a woman: Want more bacon?

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