Sunday, October 11, 2009


Hello, I'm the Random Crusader. I will talk about everything of interest to me so be ready for politics, religion, sports, history, science fact, science fiction, food, and annoying chatter about my vacations; pretty much anything. I will add other features to my blog over the next few weeks or months but I mostly hope that it will be interesting enough to keep you coming back without the frills.

Right now, I want to address two completely unrelated topics in order of importance: the MLB Playoffs and the Nobel Peace Prize.

Thankfully the Boston Red Sox are out and what a sweet tasting loss it was as the evil Emperor Papelbon blew a save and took the loss in the elimination game.

Speaking of evil emperors, how apropos that Barrack - the Kenyan Kalamity - Obama would get the increasingly irrelevant Nobel Peace Prize for his absolute lack of ANY qualifications. I guess that being unqualified to be president works just as well for the Nobel committee. The Peace Prize lost any credibility when it awarded the world's worst terrorist - Yassir Arafat - the prize. It also did not help credibility to award it to the Plains Pinhead - Jimmy Carter. Almost every foreign policy problem we currently have can be laid at Carter's feet. He ignored the CIA and allowed the Ayatollah's to come to power in Iran kicking out the Shah, a true American ally in the Middle East. Iran's revolution is the literal heart and soul of Hezbollah, the Taliban, and Al Queda.

Now whether one likes or dislikes President Obama, I think most of us can all agree that he has not been in office long enough to deserve let alone EARN such a (dubious) "honor" as the Nobel Peace Prize. It should have taken some rather aggressive policy changes for him to earn a notable award in such a short time and those were not forthcoming. So far, he has wavered on his commitment to cutting and running in Iraq and Afghanistan AND he seems to be wavering on his promise to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay (which it may come as a surprise to you that I am against but more on that some other time). By the left's standards, I'd say he has 'wandered off the reservation'. So far, all he has done in regards to foreign policy is impotently brow beat the Israelis (I hope Prime Minister Netanyahu gave him a less than diplomatic reply). Now, perhaps that qualifies you for the peace prize in the eyes of Antisemitic Eurotrash and the Iranian "President" but that's about it. With their recent track record, perhaps in lieu of a qualified candidate, the Nobel committee could give it to someone posthumously. You know peace lovers like Josef Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Emperor Palpatine, Jason Voorhies... Bottom line, the award was given to Obama as a belated spit in the face to former president George W. Bush.


  1. He got it because he "talked about peace". Doesn't that qualify as a award winner?

  2. Well, if being a community organizer gets you elected President, then yes, yes it does.
