Friday, November 13, 2009

Random Entertainment Grumbles

So Mrs. Crusader informed me that the director of 2012 cut a scene from his disaster movie 2012 which showed Mecca being destroyed lest he get a fatwa issued against him. So much for free speech. Of course he can still show the statue of Christ above Rio toppling over and the dome of the Vatican collapsing on top of people. That must mean that Christians are much more reasonable than Muslims or we know that holiness does not reside in a place or object but solely with God. I don't foresee the Pope being offended by it. ending disaster movie showing famous places being destroyed; obviously an attack on the Catholic Church!

Speaking of the Catholic Church, have you ever noticed that in movies you only really see Catholics represented? Granted they are generally easy to spot with their collars, their robes, and funny hat collection whereas a Protestant preacher could easily be the guy standing next to you wearing jeans and a leather jacket. Horror movies are always a kick for me because the priest is inevitably faithless or 'wrestling' with his faith to a point that he can't ward off the incoming demon with all his fancy rituals and liturgical chant. Oh how I long to direct the movie where a devoted Protestant minister comes waltzing in, looks at the hapless priest with a roll of the eyes, studies the victim, says "In the name of Jesus Christ you are commanded to leave this body", and poof evil demon leaves without time to give a forwarding address. It would probably be pretty anti-climactic since that would cover ten minutes of movie time and they'd have 80 more to fill without the scary demon around...

I haven't watched the new V series but hear that it is a thinly disguised criticism of the Obama administration which is interesting coming from the All Barrack Channel and so soon. I mean it took well over a year for any seriously overt anti-Bush rhetoric to show up in our 'entertainment' (other than the whole hanging chad thing). I'm pretty sure you won't see that over on the National Barrack Channel. Though outside of Heroes or if you watch the 15 incarnations of Law and Order, I'm not sure anyone sees much of anything on NBC. You know your network is failing when you move your "Tonight Show" style show to Prime Time and your comedy shows are up against Bones and Fringe over on Fox.

Thank Heaven for the Saturday Sci-Fi (sorry that is Sy-Fy now) movies. These B movies with hackneyed plots and writing that looks like it came off the PC's of government run high school creative writing class are about the most entertaining thing on television anymore. Sometimes you get a fairly decent one but most of the time you'll choke on your popcorn as you laugh at the plot holes or make MST3K (Mystery Science Theater 3000 - google it if you don't get the reference) like quips over the dialogue or situation on screen. This weekend's offering, Ice Twister, should be another glorious entry in the endless procession of films that make you wonder why you're wasting your life in front of the television!

I could go on about things that annoy me like how Bones is accommodating to Muslim characters and portrays Christians in a bad light or the propaganda that gets inserted into my entertainment on a regular basis but this is Friday and those are another blog. Enjoy your weekend.

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