Monday, December 14, 2009

The Evil That One Man Does

When the righteous triumph there is great elation; but when the wicked rise to power men go into hiding. - Proverbs 28:12

Certainly in the US today we can agree that wicked people have risen to power. However some of those who wield that power are hidden from us by a compliant media and pawns in position that appear powerful. One of those people is an amoral, atheistic, self-loathing Hungarian Jew (not that I care about his racial heritage nor do I want to imply that I believe any of the stupid conspiracy theories about Jewish world takeover) with American citizenship known as George Soros. I don't know if Soros is the mastermind or just a powerful piece on the board but he is directing the actions of a number of pawns including Barrack Obama, the Democrat party machine, left-wing activist organizations, and even Republican 'maverick' John McCain.

Soros is a money speculator without equal and his greed coupled with a complete lack of ethical standards has resulted in him rising to the 29th richest man on Earth. He made his first billion back in 1992 by shorting the British Pound Sterling and literally breaking the Bank of England. Thanks to Soros, British citizens lost billions as the value of their savings and homes was cut in half over night.

In France, Soros has been convicted of insider trading (something he does not believe to be wrong) and fined $2.8 million. The French Supreme Court recently upheld the conviction on appeal.

Though I can't seem to find any information on this (yes, I am claiming cover up and still researching it), I heard a news story that he was convicted by one of the Baltic nations for breaking their currency during an economic crisis and actually toppling a government.

Soros funds the left-wing Human Rights Watch, the organization responsible for nearly all the claims of genocide against former Yugoslavian/Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic. While I don't consider myself a Slobo supporter, I always sensed something wrong about the way he was dragged up to the Hague and brought up on 'crimes against humanity'. I suspect that Soros made a great deal of money during the breakup of Yugoslavia and wanted to keep the region unstable as long as possible to maximize his profits but evidence is scarce on that count. Either way, Miosevic was convicted largely on anecdotal evidence (again provided by Human Rights Watch) and a damning written statement made by Rade Markovic was extracted under claims of torture by NATO officials which the chief Hague judge said was irrelevant (do you really want to sign over our sovereignty to that body now?).

That's just one of Soros' many organizations. He has dumped billions on left-wing organizations. Here is a partial list of his tentacles: - created to destroy George Bush personally and support for the War on Terror generally.

Apollo Alliance - this group largely wrote the 'stimulus' bill which is the equivalent of porn for Marxists.

Media Matters for America - leftist organization that attacks Limbaugh, Beck, and others when they cite facts that refute left-wing 'truths'.

The Tides Foundation - essentially a money laundering front group that funnels money to far left groups for donors who don't want to be directly linked to said groups.

The ACLU - fronting as a protector of our liberties, the ALCU is actually a far left group that works to twist the words and meanings of the Rights we hold in the Constitution

ACORN - Marxist front group

Project on Death in America - a pro-euthanasia group (Soros is rumored to have 'helped' his mother commit suicide)

La Raza - a radical Marxist, Latino supremacy group that fights any and all action on border security and is dedicated to a 'Reconquista' of the American lands ceded in the Mexican War.

Center for American Progress - radical left-wing 'think tank' dedicated to shredding the Constitution and pushing the Progressive agenda.

Soros funds other radical leftist groups and has made the most of the loopholes in the McCain/Feingold 'campaign finance reform' act (for which both named were well reimbursed) that brought the rise of the 527 charter groups. He also holds 'shadow' conventions at the same time and in the same cities as the conventions of both the Democrat and Republican parties.

That brings us to the 'renown' and 'maverick' Republican Senator; John McCain. It seems that the ill-tempered, media darling has ties to the star of this blog. In 2000 as his bid for GOP candidate was failing on one side of Philadelphia, McCain was giving the keynote speech at Soros shadow convention! In 2001, McCain founded the Reform Institute in Alexandria, VA in order to receive funding from Soros' Open Society Institute and the Tides Foundation (also funded by Teresa Heinz Kerry). McCain had to abandon ties to it after a scandal involving Cablevision in 2006. For now, McCain appears to be at odds with Soros. One might speculate that McCain was double-crossed in the 2008 election or didn't get what he was promised for being the weak GOP candidate...

Then there are Soros' actions in the wake of 9/11. While president Bush was begging us to shop normally and quietly pleading with investors to stay in the market (which affirms my belief that we were economically hurt worse than ever reported), George Soros made his first serious attempt to harm the US economy by shorting the market. In my eyes this is the same as treason and he should be charged with that crime. (I wonder if he was obliquely referenced in the James Bond movie Casino Royale when M was speaking about baddie Le Chiffre shorting the market after 9/11.)

Soros own words damn him as well. "The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States."

Soros may fall short of being the Antichrist but he certainly is a physical embodiment of evil. The man destroys economies on a whim while ignoring the consequences to hard working people in the middle and lower classes. He is worse than the worst caricature of 'evil, greedy capitalists' painted by the left but because he funds most of them his crimes are ignored by the left and the media. This man is dangerous and qualifies as an Enemy of the Republic. He should be stripped of his fortunes, his family, means to make money, and imprisoned (or better yet, eliminated in means similar to the way he killed Milosevic).

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