Friday, December 18, 2009

Things to Ponder this Weekend

Well we are one week away from Christmas 2009 and I don't think we have ever needed a little Christmas more.

The Senate is so determined to pass ANY bill before Christmas that the White House has allegedly threatened national security to get Senator Nelson of Nebraska to fold. Unlike Mary Landreau in Louisiana, Nelson seems adamant about his principles unlike Landreau whose $300 Billion bribe is being called the "Louisiana Purchase".

The GOP finally borrowed a backbone and called for a reading of Vermont Senator (and self-proclaimed Socialist) Bernie Sanders 750 page amendment. The Dems and their willing patsies in the press are outraged by this "trick" of parliamentary procedure but in a sane world, what they and we should all be outraged by is that a bill can be passed without ever being read in the Senate chamber. For one thing, I'm betting that if EVERY bill had to be read before both chambers, no one would write a bill or amendment as long as the health care bill and Senator Sanders' amendment are. Having the clerk read a bill should not be a delaying tactic; it should be the rule rather than the exception.

Bangladesh wants the Western world to pony up $500 BILLION per year to counteract the effects of non-existent global warming. Yeah, right! Aside from the fact that we are broke thanks to the Socialist traitors in our midst, I would suggest that if the Bangladeshi government actually believes that global warming is real (man caused or not) they should start a crash program to teach all their people how to swim and hold their breath.

One of my favorite British Prime Ministers, William Pitt the Younger, once said: "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." Hmmm. One would think that Mr. Pitt caught a glimpse of the Obama Administration and the current Congress.

One of my favorite Bible verses is Ecclesiastes 10:2: "The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left". Boy if that isn't a blatant political statement I don't know what is. I'm sure that many a theologian has presented it as another example of God placing the righteous on his right but it doesn't expressly say that in this verse. No matter the theological interpretation, it's a great way to irritate your liberal friends. Let's face it, if you are wise, your heart and head will guide you to the political right. We currently have plenty of examples of fools where are on the left...isn't that right B-HO?

Have a great weekend dear readers! Next week will be sparse due to Christmas.

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