Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Last Chance News for 2009

The world seems to slow down a little in the blissful week from Christmas to New Year's. Mercifully Congress will not be in session until the 3rd week of January again so the American people can breathe a sigh of relief for the moment. Even though the House and Senate have passed Death care bills, they are a reasonable distance from reconciling those and, if the GOP can find a backbone to share before MLK Day, maybe they will use all the procedural tricks they can to slow it down further. I doubt it will matter in the end but if they can make this a bitter fight that lasts into the summer, many Americans will still remember that the Democrat party forced it on us in spite of the fact that over 60% of us don't want it and we can destroy their majority in November.

Well there was another almost terrorist attack on an airplane on Christmas Day (but don't worry, Islam isn't at war with Western Civilization or Christianity). How embarrassing must it be to be a failed suicide/homicide terrorist in the first place but to go down in history as the "Underpants Bomber"? It would be hilarious if it weren't deadly serious. The press won't mention it but this year has seen an increase in attempted and successful terrorist acts over the Bush years following 9/11 which means that Al Qaida and others see Obama as being militarily weak. Well, duh! Naturally the American government won't blame itself for the lapse in security but it WILL make new regulations to further inconvenience the millions of innocent Americans that fly every day rather than do something LOGICAL like profiling.

Knowing Hobama and crew this could be part of their plan to ultimately drive the average person from the skies making air travel the playground of the rich again. I don't think they care if all but one or two air carriers survive to ferry them between their various playgrounds and they have willing accomplices in the enivro-whacko crowd who will see the lower CO2 output from fewer planes as a good thing.

Speaking of CO2, remember that it has been 'de-listed' as a greenhouse gas. Four square feet of grass will exchange all the CO2 you or I exhale this year. The earth cleans out 50% of all CO2 produced in the world every year NO MATTER HOW MUCH WE PRODUCE (that means Earth's capacity to clean CO2 has not yet been reached). Do you know what the biggest greenhouse gas is? No, it isn't methane. It's water vapor. Anyone with any sense knows this. Here in Washington even a publicly educated teenager knows that 70 degrees F feels cooler in Spokane than Seattle because of Seattle's humidity. A visit to the US South East in July will also convince you of the power of water vapor.

Speaking of the rich, as I've always said, the dirty secret of graduated or 'progressive' taxation is that it penalizes people who are attempting to become rich, not people who are already rich. The Kennedy and Soros fortunes are secure even if the upper tax rate is raised to 100% because it won't affect money they already have but it would affect you or I if we were coming from middle class wages into the upper income brackets with high taxation. So, if we're going to go for that, I suggest that we attach a rider to make sure that these people are equally penalized by their confiscatory taxation. If they want to redistribute OUR wealth, let's make sure they have to redistribute THEIR wealth as well. Since we're in the Hobama age of favoritism, I'll only redistribute the wealth of people I don't like (I'll let them keep $250,000 each except for Soros who can't keep so much as a penny). So, for example, we'll take the Kennedy family's estimated $3 Billion (I'm going for the high mark just in case), George Soros' $13 Billion, Teresa Heinz-Kerry's $1 Billion and John's own $225 Million, Democrat Representative Jane Harman's $225 Million, Jay Rockefeller's $81 Million, Warren Buffet's $40 Billion, Michael Bloomberg's $17.5 Billion, and Algore's $300 Million. If my math is correct, that totals just a shade over $ 75 Billion. If we divide that among the 300 million LEGAL Americans, it works out to a whopping $250 per American! Of course we've destroyed the Heinz ketchup company and all of the people they employ are now out of work as are the people Warren Buffett employs and all the people at Bloomberg television (although Charlie Rose should spend the rest of his days as a janitor somewhere just for being so boring). Taking the fortunes of the others won't help us much but since politicians don't actually create wealth, who cares. As for Soros, he should be shot for treason anyway and his money isn't enough to rebuild the wealth that he robbed from the people of England and Eastern Europe or the American public but it would be some sweet justice if he and his family were on the side of a road begging for handouts from passing motorists.

Well, that's my last rant for this year - at least the last one I'm posting! Other than changing the digits on the calendar, I don't put much stock in the whole New Year celebration thing so I prefer to use it as a time for reflection rather than partying. 2009 was a pretty rotten year and we need to pray that 2010 is better. If nothing else we are living that old Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times". Even if 2010 turns out to be worse, it promises to be interesting. See you next week!

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