Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday Quick Shots

Two quick items today:

If George Bush understood the nature of our enemy after 9/11, he did not demonstrate it. Former Gitmo detainees, released by the Bush Administration, are leading the jihad going on in Yemen right now and have returned to Al Qaeda. Barrack Obama openly does not understand the nature of our enemy and visibly does not care about this fight. That makes him worse than George Bush with respect to the War on Terror (which we can't call it anymore). Closing Gitmo will create many more Al Qaeda leaders with the Muslim Terrorist equivalent of 'street cred'. Yemen may be the first of many more Middle Eastern nations facing insurgency. The UAE, Kuwait, possibly Egypt and Turkey; all considered moderate/secular nations, will be on the priority list for the bad guys. The potential for Obama's foreign policy incompetence to hurt America is far worse and happening much faster than Jimmy Carters.

Botox Pelosi says that the HC Bill has been the most open and transparent piece of legislation ever in America. This isn't a misrepresentation or half-truth. She stands up in front of the American people and outright lies to us every time she opens her mouth. I seriously hope that she suffer unlike any person in history when her time comes.

The Democrats are in complete disarray and unless you get your news from CNN and (P)MSNBC you're probably aware of it. A number of prominent Democrats have announced their retirement. Latest to fall is Chris Dodd (the other end of Kennedy's 'human sandwich': and yes, it is as repulsive as you might be imagining right now) who should be facing charges of treason rather than a comfortable retirement. An Alabama Democrat switched to the GOP recently. Expect more of that. If the nation can hold out and hold up HC just one more year, we may barely overcome the worst attempt at Marxist intrusion in the US economy since Hilarycare.

The Fiesta Bowl does not exist and if it did, it was the product of New Jersey 'waste management' personnel.

Today is the Baseball Hall of Fame election announcement. I am rooting for Andre 'the Hawk' Dawson, pitcher Bert Blyleven, and relief pitcher Lee Smith. All three have reasons to deserve a shrine at Cooperstown even though their numbers are considered on the line. Dawson played for horrible Expos and Cubs teams while posting great numbers and an NL MVP. Blyleven also played for some terrible teams and posted HOF strikeout numbers but missed the magic 300 wins by 13 because of his time on those bad teams. Lee Smith deserves to be in the Hall as one of the first truly great closers but has been overlooked in the past because of the institutional bias against relief pitching that existed during his career and is finally dying out.

1 comment:

  1. Hah! I called that one - your response to the Fiesta Bowl. Your "love" of the unrecognized team in your blog is of great renown!
