Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Barry of 365 Days

Today is the first anniversary of the official beginning of the Obama administration. I say official because in spite of the left's worries about George Bush being a dictator in training, Bush pretty much abdicated his power to the Democrats in the spring of 2008. So one quarter of the way through, I think it is time to give him a report card. I will give a real world grade followed by a "Progressive" grade in parentheses

In holding the Progressives together Obama scores an F minus in the real world - which is good for us (Progressive grade: D plus). The Tea Parties and late summer march on Washington that every news outlet except Fox News ignored signalled American discontent was on the boil. Every side election has splintered the alleged hegemony of the Democrats expected permanent majority. Republicans Chris Christie and Bob McDonnell won gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia over Obama backed candidates. On the 364th day of his presidency, Obama lost a HUGE election when Scott Brown (R) won the Senate seat held for 47 years by Tedward Kennedy. Pushing his hard left agenda has blasted holes in the Progressive agenda and Americans have rejected it at every turn. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are both in trouble in their home districts. So why only a D plus for the Progressive grade? In spite of all this, Obama, Reid, and Pelosi have managed to strangle internal opposition and bribe potential dissidents into line.

In spending control he gets an F minus minus minus (Progressive grade: A). Do I need to go into this in detail? Using repaid TARP money as a slush fund rather than returning it to the Treasury as detailed in the law; cash for clunkers; the Stimulus.

Homeland Defense is a D minus (Progressive grade: A). Even if we give him a pass on the underpants bomber which was an external problem, we can judge him on the aftermath. In the wake of the failed bombing the administration used it to further inconvenience the rest of us when we take to the air (a typical Progressive response). From day one he has attempted to undo everything regarding the War on Terror. He still plans to close Gitmo. He hired former AZ governor Janet Napolitano as Secretary of Homeland Defense in spite (or in his case because of) her poor record on dealing with illegal immigrants in Arizona; which IS a homeland defense issue. His Progressive grade reflects the fact that modern Progressives hate America as constituted and are actively undermining it internally and externally.

Foreign Relations equals a big old F minus (Progressive grade: B plus). Obama's first act as president was to insult our British allies. He has given our European allies embarrassing gifts. His speeches at state occasions are lackluster and insulting to the guests. Wherever he goes he misses no opportunity to belittle this nation and apologize for a past that needs no apology.

On maintaining Constitutional intent: is there a grade below F minus? How about Z minus? (Progressive grade: A plus) Obama and Progressives have hated the US Constitution and attempt to subvert it at every turn. He tried to silence dissent by getting into a war with Fox News. His willing accomplices in the media ignore or attack dissenting voices. His ally Jeffrey Immelt CEO of GE (General Evil) and therefore CEO of NBC has driven that network to the brink of bankruptcy by being in the tank for the B-HO. Obama assaulted and insulted Christians during his campaign and attempts to marginalize us. He spent 20 years in a 'church' that preaches real hate but attacks the rest of us as being hateful. His thugs in the SEIU attempt to stop freedoms of assembly and redress of grievances at Townhalls. He is quietly pushing an anti-gun agenda. His Progressive allies literally destroyed the right to be secure in your property getting a supposedly Conservative Supreme Court to vote for an unimaginable expansion of Imminent Domain before Obama was even close to becoming president. Health care is not just an assault on our freedom to spend money where we please but will add further unfunded mandates to burden states. Everything this man does is aimed at gutting our Constitution and drawing us into the soft socialism that has dragged Europe into terminal mediocrity (which the Progressives love).

Overall, Obama's first year in office garners a solid FAIL for real Americans and about a B plus for Progressives (and yes, I DO believe that no one who holds to the Progressive line can be a real American). He is keeping his promise to an audience when he said "...we are five days away from FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGING this country..." (emphasis added) to a group of his kool-aid drinking constituents. The only fundamental change most people want is a return to the intent of the Founders. This nation was created for the sole purpose of maximizing individual liberty. The "Progressive" idea that government is the answer and not the problem has a virtual lock on the rest of the world but they aren't satisfied since America's prosperity shines a beacon on their mediocrity. Therefore America as it is has to go and they are closer than ever to bringing us down to their level. Obama and his cronies will fight harder than ever for their agenda now that they are getting an idea of the overwhelming opposition brewing out in "flyover country". The first year is over and like the end of 1942 in World War II, the hardest fighting is yet to come. Scott Brown's win is a beginning and a source of hope but it is only one battle. We must keep fighting. Stand up for liberty and capitalism whenever you hear a Progressive attacking it. Remember always that extremism in defense of liberty is not a vice!

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