Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quick Quips

A correction for yesterday's post: I said that Kennedy had held the seat for 30+ years but meant to type 40+ years (both are technically correct since he held the seat for 47 years).

If Scott Brown loses the Senate race today in Massachusetts, you can 100% guarantee that it will have been through fraud.

While most white people are being sent to the back of the Obama bus, its still better than what they are doing to their own candidate in MA; Martha Coakley. There can be no doubt that the DNC talking points faxes for today are all about throwing her under that bus. Expect to feel the bump about 7-8 pm Pacific time tonight.

The coming win in MA, barring foul play, is big but don't let it relieve you too much. In spite of their denials that this is a repudiation of the Obama agenda, Democrats are in an all out panic as their "1000 year majority" is coming unravelled faster than Dolphy's 1000 year Reich. Look for them, especially Ho-bama, Reid, and Pelosi to go on the offensive worse than ever; attempting to ram as much of their Marxist agenda down our throats as they can before the 2010 election.

Chris Matthews says that one of his heroes is Saul Alinsky. If Saul Alinsky is one of your heroes, you should either be forcibly exiled from the US for the rest of your life or simply shot for treason.

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