Friday, February 12, 2010

On the Lighter Side

Since this week was pretty heavy as far as posts go, let's try to catch up on some not so serious takes on recent events.

Poor President Tom. He's in quite a pickle as the demonstrations against him and his fake election increase in frequency and violence. Even his 'shocking' announcement that Iran is now a nuclear nation caused barely a ripple in the talking head world. The only ones who don't seem to know that we all know that Iran is working on nuclear weapons is the Iranians. Of course we have to redefine the term 'nuclear nation' to allow Iran into the club. They have refined uranium to a full on 20% purity (80% purity is needed to make an actual nuke-ular bomb). So basically they've refined it to a point where it isn't dangerous to anyone but...themselves.

America's favorite playboy, former President Clinton went to the hospital for chest pains and ultimately a couple of stents to open up arterial blockages. I'm sure that as he was drifting into the sweet oblivion of anesthesia visions of all the nurses and nurse's aides that he would be molesting during his recovery danced before his eyes. How shocking and horrible it must have been to wake up in the recovery room to see Hilary's sour puss scowling down at him! It's a wonder that didn't kill him on the spot! :)

Billboards are popping up around the country featuring a smiling President George W Bush and the caption "Do you miss me yet?" on them. While I understand the sentiment I'm not sure things would be much better off with him still around. Remember he claimed that we had to abandon free market principles to fix the free market and proceeded to do just that. The only difference with Obama is that he plans on abandoning free market principles to destroy the free market. Perhaps the anonymous business people who posted those billboards should spend a little more money and paper over W with a picture of Reagan. I think most of the nation really does miss him.

The Winter Olympics start in Vancouver tonight with the ever delightful, cult-like, opening ceremony and march of nations. On the plus side this may be the first Winter Olympiad where the spectators can wear shorts to the events! The IOC will inevitably draw the wrong conclusions about this Olympiad and chalk it up to 'global warming' rather than the glorious El Nino that comes along every few years to make winter in the Pacific Northwest charming rather than onerous. Don't expect another Winter Olympics anywhere coastal for the next few cycles. I will be happy though to join a committee for Katmandu or Yellowknife 2018! Call me.

Have a great weekend.

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