Monday, March 22, 2010

Curse Them All

Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

This was a distinct promise from God to Abraham (and his offspring) given at the same time God promised to essentially establish the nation of Israel through him. History is replete with God fulfilling that promise.

Egypt suffered for enslaving them. The Assyrians fell when threatening to wipe out the Hebrews. Babylon fell for the same reason. The beginning of Rome's decline occurs shortly after the Diaspora. The nations of Europe in the Middle Ages thrived when they treated Jews well and suffered when they did not. Russia's institutional anti-Semitism kept it backward and invaded through much of its history. The Ottoman Empire sank into decay as its anti-Jewish laws grew more Draconian. Britain lost much of her empire for reneging on the Balfour Declaration. God took Russia from the Romanovs and delivered it into the hands of the Communists for its mistreatment of Jews. Germany got Hitler and committed national suicide when it attempted to exterminate the Jews. Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt have thrown away several generations in fruitless attempts to destroy the rock of Israel since it became a nation.

So perhaps it is fitting that at the same time the President, Vice President, and Secretary of State of the United States have taken to openly cursing Israel; the traitorous subhumans in Congress pass a bill that sounds the death knell of the American Republic.

Twice I have started posts dripping venom and outright hatred of these people. The first I showed to Mrs. C - who, wanting a father at home for Crusader Jr. when he arrives, urged me not to publish it. The second, which is probably (a) more honest than the first and (b) filled with even more venom than the first was as much about me needing to vent the rage that was keeping me awake last night as anything else. Needless to say, both were very Old Testament and largely included hopes and prayers that God would make the 219 congressmen, 59 senators, vp, and potus (no caps on purpose - these people simply don't deserve my respect) suffer so badly that Job would look like he had a bad case of the sniffles by comparison. Of course that is not very Christian and I have honestly admitted to both God and myself that there really isn't much Christian love in my heart for anyone that I view as having destroyed the American Republic whether it be in accordance to God's plan or not.

Fortunately for those moods, I have the harsh comfort of God's assurances in Deuteronomy (32:35) and partially reiterated in Romans (12:19).

It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them.

This is one of the few time where I prefer the NIV translation as it captures God's mood with much more force. For some reason, 'their doom rushes upon them' really appeals to the Scottish Highlander in me. I truly hope to witness Nancy Pelosi's doom rush in on her (oh please, oh please!!!) - perhaps in the form of a lightning strike. Since these people are all like mini Stalins, hopefully they will die by raising a fist to curse the God that created them and He will smite (don't you love that word! There needs to be more 'smiting' of evil people.) them down.

Anyhoo - since I have God doing all the smiting rather than doing any myself, I doubt the black helicopters filled with federal agents will be visiting me anytime soon to see if I constitute an actual threat. That means Crusader Jr. will have a daddy at home furiously hammering on the keyboard in faint hopes that God will smite(!) down half of Congress for their next transgression against liberty which will probably be "Fairness" Doctrine or another big tax hike.

1 comment:

  1. Well put. Crusader Jr is very proud of his daddy.
    Mrs. C
