Monday, March 8, 2010

Hey Sean Penn - BITE ME!

Okay, I haven't been interested in blogging lately and that is probably not going to change in the near term but here are a few thoughts.

Where is Venezuela's Pinochet? Sean Penn wants all of us who are aware that Hugo Chavez won obviously rigged elections and is in fact a dictator to die "screaming of rectal cancer". Perhaps if we all call Chavez a dictator at the same time Sean Penn will contract rectal cancer himself and the rest of us will have a good laugh. In 1973 Chile, Soviet backed left-winger Salvador Allende was pulling many of the same stunts Hugo is in current day Venezuela. A gutsy Colonel in the army realized what was going on and stepped in to stop his beloved nation from becoming a Soviet stooge. For his troubles including a reign of 17 years, and (from unbiased sources) around 1500 communist/socialist opponents killed or 'disappeared' he earned the eternal ire of the left (by any conventional standard this is a fairly bloodless coup). However when Pinochet stepped down in 1990 and Chile returned to democratic rule, it was in much better shape economically than South American nations that had moved left during the Cold War. Venezuela needs a Pinochet right now. Yes, he would earn the hatred of Danny Glover and Sean Penn and probably face charges in the Hague no matter how bloodless his reign but the people of Venezuela deserve better than Chavez. He has already destroyed their economy and is on the verge of aborting the rising middle class emerging in Venezuela. He is evil, he embraces a system of hatred and death, and yes Sean, he is a dictator.

Of course the way things are going in the US, we might need our own Pinochet soon as well.

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